Another first for me shooting a wedding at " The Marriot" near Preston, Lancashire.
I am now noticing quite a few Bride and Grooms are booking venues slightly further a field from their local area, I really do think this is because lots of venues now are really catering towards weddings and putting on all the bells and whistles to attract new customers. Personally I love it, these venues make life just a bit more easier for us photographers as the venue is designed around a wedding day.
Stacey and Scott only live a five minute walk from me so getting up nice and early for the bridal prep shooting was a breeze. Stacey and her bridal party had all the hair and make up done at her house. Sometimes shooting at home can be awkward for space etc but Scott and Stacey had not long build a massive kitchen extension which was perfect for what we all needed. Grabbed loads of photos of the usual hair and make up getting done, no dramas at all from the girls, everything running like clockwork.

Scott and his groomsmen were getting ready just up the road at his parents so again an easy one for me to have a two minute walk up to take their photos. Things looking relaxed with a few of the boys having the obligatory cheeky beer outside, the sun was beating down, it was going to be a belter of a day weather wise. Things were not running quite as smooth as with the girls but we all got there in the end. Knowing Scott and his family beforehand meant I knew quite a lot of the guests and friends so I knew I could be my cheeky self again when it came to getting photos.

Back with the girls, Prosecco still flowing nicely the morning soon flew and before we knew it was time for dad to see Stacey in her dress before jumping in the cars and heading off to St John's Church. Heysham for the service.

St Johns Church at Heysham is a church I am familiar with, photographed loads of weddings and Christenings here. Beautiful church inside, it can get quite dark depending on the weather and just to make things interesting for photographers there is a whopping big stain glass window at the end of the isle from where the bride walk towards you and lets just say when shooting in the dark but having to deal with a blast of sunlight shining right at you can be challenging, especially for the cameras.
Scott and the boys all good to go, just awaiting on the bride, it's her prerogative to be a little late but to be fair Stacey did not keep Scott waiting that long.
Plenty of emotions pursued throughout the ceremony, everything went like clockwork. All the lads behaved, the girls looked amazing and the sight of Stacey walking down the isle brought a tear to Scott's eye, who could blame him, she looked amazing.

After the ceremony it was the family formals done outside the church followed by the confetti throw, then it was a race for me to get down the Marriot at Preston and get there before the Bride and Groom and most of guests arrived.
First time shooting here I was well impressed how nice the grounds were. Plenty of grass area with a small gazebo giving out drinks, well it was a super hot day and it would have been rude of me not have participated in a bottle or two. Stacey and Scott arrived and got shown there wedding breakfast room which looked spectacular. The Marriot had done an amazing job with it.
In the grounds they had a row of deck chairs which worked perfectly in the sun that day. Canapes soon arrived and again not wanting to be rude I sampled their wears. :)

Now it did take quite a while for Stacey & Scott to arrive at the Marriot as they came the back roads as the vintage car was not suited for the motorway, so unfortunately a lot of the timings we had planned had gone out the window, which is not anything unusual on wedding days. I had planed on getting the bulk of the outside photos done before the wedding breakfast while most of the guest were compos mentis knowing what Scotts lot were like :)
The wedding breakfast all went to plan, the master of ceremony's did his thing and before we knew it, food done, Speeches done and then back out in the sun...more beer had to be drunk to keep re hydrated, not me this time I may add, someone had to stay sober, yes it was one of them weddings where the drink flowed freely, obviously all the best one do.
The nightmare of getting everyone together for the outside photos soon followed. To be fair is was such a laugh trying to organise things, especially when no one is listening to you. After plenty of shouting and bossing we got pretty much what we wanted, a few choice words might have come out of my mouth trying to organise the group shot but again, me been cheeky with it can get away with these little things, it is all said in jest at the end of the day, and I got my photograph. Win-Win

Soon the cake cut was a go, Bride and Groom with all guest waiting eagerly for the cut but we were missing the Grooms mother Sharon. 15 minutes she turns up, just decided to go for a dress change. She got a bit of stick when she turned up by the guests.
Cake cut done then shortly into the first dance session. Stacey had a dad dance first which I always think is lovely then Scott took to the floor with his new wife for their first dance as Mr & Mrs Wooley.
What a day it had been, running around non stop but I would not have changed it for anything. Love these weddings where it has its moments of madness but so much fun with guests and family.
Thanks to Stacey and Scott for inviting me to do the honors on their big day.

Sharon been fashionably late