Tracy contacted me quite last minute when it comes to wedding bookings.
Explained that is was only going to be a small wedding at Lancaster Registry office with just her husband to be Stephen and his parents.
Tracy was quite happy just to go with photographs afterwards in the garden at the back of the registry office as well.
Easy gig then.
I arrived nice and early as usual, met Stephen and his parents and immediately knew this may only be a small wedding but it definitely was going to be a fun one. Stephen was cracking jokes from the minute we met. Quite the character.
Found out Tracy does the odd bit of fire eating in her spare time, quite the interesting hobby.
Then when Tracy rocked up and I saw her wedding outfit I had changed all plans for afterwards straight away.
Tracy was wearing a magnificent red dress and top hat. I knew I had to get these guys up to the Ashton Memorial for some after shots. Pitched my thoughts to the couple and they jumped at the idea. " I Love it when a plan comes together"

The Ceremony went like clockwork. In fact with it only been a total of seven people, myself included, the whole Ceremony was really relaxed, the registrars were amazing, having such a laugh throughout with the couple, taking the mickey out of Stephen as he kept saying he was going to return his suit back to the shop ,once the wedding was done.
These two seemed to be perfect together, they really bounced off each other so well.

We did grab some photos out in the garden at the back of the registry office, but then we jumped into our cars and they followed me up to the memorial. I knew with it been a Monday the chances of us bumping into another wedding were pretty much slim to none. I was right.
With shooting a fair number of weddings up at the Ashton I already knew what shots I wanted to get for the couple.
The weather was fantastic, beautiful blue clear skies, no sign of the wet stuff so all good. Stephens parents joined us as well, they only came to watch but there was no way I was letting them escape photo free.

The Ashton Memorial in Williamson Park is found at the top of Lancaster. It's an amazing building with fantastic grounds for getting married and taking photos. Stephen was up to his usual self having a tongue in cheek moan about how many steps I kept making them climb, I kept blagging him that we were nearly done, ( Nowhere near)
Had a fantastic day with them both, especially as everything after the ceremony was not planned, just off the cuff which both of them embraced. The amount of people wishing them good luck and congratulations was great, I put that down to the stunning red dress Tracy was wearing, definitely an eye catcher.

Tracy and Stephen were both fantastic on the day, completely were happy to let me do basically whatever I wanted to get the shots.
Once I delivered the photos a few weeks after Tracy asked me in for a brew and a natter and we put the world to rights like two old women lol.
Thanks guys for letting me do the honors on your special day.